by Angel Manual Rodriguez

GC Stewardship Ministries

Silver Spring, Maryland

US$ 2.50/$3.00

Reviewed by the Staff of Dynamic Steward

Summary: These two new and attractive small booklets are an important plus for your stewardship library and speak of pertinent questions such as, “What does the New Testament say about tithing?” and “What does Ellen White say about tithe?” Dr. Rodriguez presents a thorough, informative study of each issue.

Dr. Angel Rodriguez researched and presented two papers at the World Stewardship Summit of 2001. These papers are each available in attractive 5 ½ x 8 ½” books and are an excellent resource to pass along to your friends and coworkers.

What does the New Testament say about tithing? “Is there any evidence to the effect that Christians supported the gospel ministry through their tithes? We must face and deal with these questions in order to reveal the biblical basis for the practice of tithing in the Christian church,” says Dr. Rodriguez, in his introduction to Tithing in the New Testament & the Christian Church.

Tithing in the Writings of Ellen G. White is a thorough study resulting from the question—“What does Ellen White say about tithe?” The book explores the concept, practice, and theological foundation for tithing. Her expression of the biblical concepts is alone, well worth the reading. Along with the theological grounding you will find the subjects of motivation for tithing, the logistics of tithing, and the use of tithe. There is blessing and balance in this presentation that you will not want to miss out on.