The new book, Human Sexuality: Sharing the Wonder of God\s Good Gift with Your Children, is a welcomed and refreshing resource for Christian parents,
educators, and leaders. The volume is a comprehensive curriculum framework for sexuality education, written from a Christian perspective.

If you have been looking for a guide to help you talk to your children with ease and wisdom, this book is a must. It will not sit on the shelf collecting dust, but will be a resource you will refer to again and again. In it, you will not only find the developmental or age-appropriate information you need to share, but wisdom to help you communicate this vital information in an acceptable manner. The authors have a way of upholding Christian values in a non-judgmental style.

"Six key concepts form the backbone for this framework," say authors Karen and Ron Flowers, directors of the Family Ministries Department at the Seventh-day Adventist World Headquarters. The broad conceptual areas include: 1) Human Development, 2) Relationships, 3) Personal Skills, 4) Sexual Behavior, 5) Sexual Health, and 6) Society and Culture. The book covers sexuality education beginning with infancy and moves through to grade 12 (approximately age 18).