by Eugene H. Peterson

William B. Eerdmans Publishing

Grand Rapids, Michigan

1993 US $16.00

Reviewed by Claire L. Eva, Assistant Director, General Conference Stewardship Ministries

What are the three angles? Prayer, Scripture and spiritual direction. These shape pastoral integrity, says author Eugene H. Peterson. If these three key spiritual disciplines are first in the pastor’s life and work—then preaching, teaching and administration will fall in place.

But Peterson’s call to return to basics is anything but simplistic. He has a way of bringing the best of Spirit-filled scholarly study and personal meaning together. His insights as to the real meaning of the three angles are what stir mind and heart. He says, ?Prayer is not something we think up to get God’s attention or enlist His favor. Prayer is answering speech. The first word is God’s word.... We do make prayer into a verbal idol? (p. 47).

Other works authored by Peterson are Five Smooth Stones, Under the Unpredictable Plant: an Exploration in Vocational Holiness and The Message Bible. If you have not added this author to your library of reading, you are missing a real spiritual feast.