By Ken Boa and Gail Burnett
Colorado Springs, Colorado

Reviewed by Dynamic Steward staff

Everyone desires a fulfilling and well-lived life, but living well is impossible without wisdom. Based on the proverbs of Solomon, the second book in NavPress’ Guide Book series, The Art of Living Well examines the specific ways to apply wisdom to life, presenting the fruits of wisdom in relationships, jobs, actions, and much more. This intelligent, in-depth study gives practical tools to integrate wisdom into each area of life and learn to act instead of react to life situations.

Designed for busy people, the daily excursions in these studies can be completed in less than thirty minutes and require no additional study helps, concordance, or even a Bible (the needed texts are included in the sidebars and appendices). The book includes five studies, each divided into five daily excursions. Most excursions take about 20 minutes to complete. Also included are optional side tours for those wanting to delve even deeper into the subject. Personal experiences of the authors are inserted throughout the excursions.

These stories give a realistic, down-to-earth connection between the student and the biblical truth. This personal study guide can easily be adapted for use in a small group study session. Each unit ends with a session plan called Sharing the Journey that suggest questions and activities. A flip chart, some markers and these suggestions are all one needs to lead a small group study.